The very first traffic signs were simple stone columns. The Romans used them to let travelers know how close they were to the city. Traffic signs as we know them began to appear with the invention of the bicycle, as cyclists needed signs that warned them about obstacles. These signs continued to evolve as cars hit the roads. Today, most of us don’t think that much about traffic signs.
Traffic signs provide valuable information to drivers and other road users. They represent rules that are in place to keep you safe, and help to communicate messages to drivers and pedestrians that can maintain order and reduce accidents. Neglecting them can be dangerous. Most signs make use of pictures, rather than words, so that they are easy to understand and can be interpreted by people who speak a variety of languages.
Having consistent and clearly communicated rules ensures that every road user is aware of them and can adhere to them. When everyone knows the same rules, there is less chance for confusion on the road. If rules weren’t consistent, it would be difficult for road users to know how to do the right thing.
Traffic signs come in a variety of shapes and colours, and each has a specific meaning. The different shapes and colours are there to help you identify a sign as quickly as possible, without interrupting your driving.
Even if your children aren’t old enough to drive just yet, it’s important that they know how to recognise and interpret the traffic signs around them. Many signs apply not only to drivers, but to pedestrians too, and children who are able to read these signs correctly are more likely to stay safe as they walk along the roads.
Markings on the pavement are also extremely important. Normally, these lines become solid within a short distance of an intersection, indicating that drivers are not supposed to change lanes. We provide professional instructions to make sure that the driver drives within the safety zone.
Learning to drive is a journey with a lot of different skills that take time to master. When you choose an Motor Vehicle Act approved MELT school, we’ll make sure you don’t get stuck. You’ll get the expert instruction according to your unique driving lessons method, helpful guidance and accurate information you need.